MI in Mixed Reality

Experience the transformative power of XR in medical education. Demystify ECGs and leads in diagnosing MI. Understand how an ECG reads the heart’s electrical activity to help diagnose an MI with the XR Heart Attack experience. Discover the future of learning ECGs today.

Heart Anatomy in Mixed Reality

Embrace the future of anatomy education and hold the heart in your hands in mixed reality on Meta Quest. Transform your learning today..

XR Heart Anatomy

3D ECG Leads App

The purpose of this app is not aimed at replacing high-quality training but rather to demonstrate the Standard Lead Placement Technique via a 3D interactive visual.

3D interactive visual

12 Leads in 3D …

An anatomical visualization of ECG Leads could be beneficial in the diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction. With our 12 ECG Leads 3D anatomical model, you will have an interactive visualization tool directly on your browser, completely free for you to visualize and share.

A 3D visualisation